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Know Your Legal Rights

Every family should have a family preparedness plan. While we hope you`ll never have to use your plan, it`s a good practice to have one to reduce the stress of the unexpected. This kit will help anyone create a family readiness plan, regardless of immigration status. However, due to the additional challenges faced by immigrants and mixed-status families, we also have additional guidance for immigrants.www.ilrc.org/sites/default/files/resources/family_preparedness_plan_v3-20170323.pdf Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights: THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT You have the constitutional right to remain silent and refuse: Questions that need to be answered. If you wish to exercise your right to remain silent, present ICE with your Know Your Rights card. Jeff Hayden, a lawyer from the Bay Area, speaks with experts on a variety of legal topics, with public participation: (415) 841-4134. If you ever face law enforcement, these cards are useful because they state that you want to exercise your constitutional rights. It`s a good measure to always have one with you. You can look in our office or print www.ilrc.org/red-cards yourself. ASK TO SPEAK TO YOUR LAWYER Be sure to speak to your public defender before answering questions from a police or immigration officer. Understand your rights and eligibility for DACA. People with disabilities face discrimination, segregation and exclusion.

But federal disability rights laws offer protection. KEEP IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS WITH YOU Keep the phone number of your union and legal service provider. STAY CALM AND DON`T RUN Use your phone to take photos and notes about the raid, but stay calm and don`t run. SILENCE You have the right to remain silent and to speak to your public defender. Information about your immigration status may be used against you in your criminal or immigration matter. DON`T SIGN ANYTHING YOU DON`T WANT TO SIGN OR DON`T UNDERSTAND Think twice before signing anything without talking to a lawyer. Signing a document could lead to an agreement to leave the United States voluntarily. Consulting a lawyer before signing anything is the best way to protect your rights. Learn more about your rights on campus and what to do if school rules violate those rights.

Everyone has basic rights under the U.S. Constitution and civil rights laws. We work with communities to ensure people are informed of their rights. If you know what the law says, you can better protect yourself, your family and your community. For more than 30 years, Your Legal Rights has been providing KALW auditors with free legal information and advice. We continue the work of the show`s founding host, Chuck Finney, who passed away in February 2018. Download this map and save it to your phone. This card can protect you if you are questioned by immigration or the police.

The card informs immigration or police that you are exercising your constitutional rights. Here`s what you need to know about your border rights. ASK TO SPEAK TO YOUR LAWYER AND THINK TWICE BEFORE SIGNING ANYTHING Don`t sign forms you don`t understand or want to sign. A lawyer who is familiar with the deportation defense may be able to help you make your case. STOP AND THINK TWICE WHEN SOMEONE COMES TO YOUR DOOR Normally, you don`t need to open the door to anyone. Immigration and police cannot come to your home without a warrant signed by a judge. To learn more about your rights and how to prepare for different situations, click here: SILENCE Show your driver`s license to the police. If you are invited, present your registration document and proof of insurance. But you still have the right to remain silent about everything else. Immigration can use anything you say against you.

You have the right to refuse your consent to a search of yourself or your car. Being arrested by the police is a stressful experience that can quickly go wrong. Here we describe what the law requires and also propose strategies for dealing with encounters with the police. We want to make it clear that the burden of de-escalation does not fall on individuals, but on police officers. However, you cannot assume that public servants will behave in a way that will protect your safety or respect your rights, even after you have claimed them. You may be able to reduce the risk to yourself by staying calm and not showing hostility towards officers. The truth is that there are situations where people have done anything to calm an officer down, but have still been injured or killed. Spanish www.ilrc.org/sites/default/files/resources/plan_de_preparacion_familiar.v3.pdfFinancial Handbook for Families at Risk of Imprisonment and EvictionResource containing information on protecting property and benefits for a person threatened with detention and deportation, from managing your bank account and power of attorney to receiving money in detention.

Click here to learn more! The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your opinions through protest. For more information, contact your local ACLU subsidiary. www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/what-do-if-youre-stopped-police-immigration-agents-or-fbiKnow All people in the United States, regardless of immigration status, have certain rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution. ILRC red cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as ICE officers visiting a shelter. THINK TWICE BEFORE YOU SIGN Don`t sign forms you don`t understand or don`t want to sign. You have the right to speak to a lawyer. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: I AM A U.S. CITIZEN. WHAT SHOULD I DO IF THE ECI QUESTIONS, ARRESTS OR STOPS ME? KNOW YOUR RIGHTS CARD: PRINT, CUT AND TAKE WITH YOU YOU KNOW YOUR RIGHTS CARD: DOWNLOAD IT AND SAVE IT TO YOUR PHONE. DO NOT INTERFERE WITH EIC OFFICERS If you disturb AIC officers during a workplace raid, you could face criminal charges. DO NOT CARRY FALSE DOCUMENTS Providing forged documents to ICE can result in deportation and criminal charges.

SILENCE You have the right to remain silent. Immigration can use anything you say against you. Know Your Rights materials are also available in Spanish, Polish, Korean, Tagalog, Simplified Chinese, Vietnamese, Khmer, Hindi and Haitian Creole.

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