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Bar Council Publicity Rules

Restrictions on the path to notoriety are clearly defined. This includes the restriction that lawyers can only provide approved information about themselves, cannot hire agents to distribute name cards or leave stacks of flyers in a random public place, cannot place oversized name tags, etc. I note that cold calls and TV/billboard advertising are also not included in the list of allowed forms of advertising. Then, of course, there is a general clause stating that a lawyer may not “publish in a manner reasonably considered ostentatious, unpleasant, misleading, misleading, inaccurate, false, sensational, intrusive, offensive or otherwise inappropriate to the dignity of the legal profession.” (C) Notwithstanding paragraph (A), a Member may make a statement that a reasonable Member would deem necessary to protect a Customer from significant adverse effects of recent advertising not initiated by the Member or the Member`s Client. A statement under this paragraph shall be limited to the information necessary to mitigate recent adverse publicity. The Legal Profession (Advertising) Rules 2001 are beneficial for good lawyers and law firms. Advertising rules create fair and honest competition between lawyers, as they support lawyers with better service and quality than those with better advertising skills (or with more advertising media). The tools of competition between lawyers are the recommendations of people who knew the lawyer, advertising by good relations with the company, reliability, experience, qualifications and background, etc. The work and quality of a lawyer are somehow verified in these forms of advertising compared to commercial advertising.

The current system makes the public more likely to be referred to a good lawyer. The current system supports good lawyers and law firms. He leads the legal profession to an honorable and reputable profession. This makes honest members of the legal profession proud to be one. First, the Legal Profession (Advertising) Rules 2001 do not prohibit any advertising or public relations material. Lawyers and law firms are allowed to impersonate lawyers and provide the public with the information necessary to differentiate themselves from and compete with others. However, it prohibits advertising by advertising with such frequency and in a manner incompatible with the rules. (2) Without prejudice to Article 5(1)(b)(ix), a lawyer and a lawyer who makes public the practice of his practice may indicate in the publication on behalf of his firm the name of a lawyer and a lawyer who have previously worked in his firm and who have been appointed to a law firm if that name appeared in the name of the register before that appointment. (3) For the purposes of paragraph (1)(a)(ii), a publication is misleading, misleading, inaccurate or false if the Legal Profession (Advertising) Rules, 2001 are beneficial to the public. Commercial advertising, by its very nature, does not guarantee truthful information and may mislead the public.

Therefore, advertising through commercial advertising can direct traffic to an incompatible lawyer, the wrong type of lawyer, or simply a lawyer who is not that particular client`s cup of tea. Since advertising and advertising are limited only to truthful and accurate approved information, the public can choose their lawyer base based on real and transparent information, thus reducing the risk of mismatch through advertising and unrestricted advertising. The Legal Profession (Advertising) Rules 2001 do not discriminate against the legal profession. It is true that lawyers cannot advertise freely like other industries, but due to the specialized nature of the legal profession, lawyers generally do not compete for business with non-lawyers. Limited rights of publicity therefore only eliminate competition through advertising only between lawyers and law firms. This does not create a disadvantage for the legal profession as a whole. Lawyers are allowed to obtain publicity in various ways. This includes the distribution of business cards; electronic publication; contribute to articles in magazines, magazines and newspapers; publish books; Distribute brochures, brochures or brochures to employees and customers; advertise in legal and non-legal directories approved by the Bar Association; create custom stationery from the law firm/lawyer; consent to interviews by the press, radio and television; and participate in public lectures, seminars and forums. There are already many ways for lawyers to make public if they wish.

Either way, word of mouth advertising and reputation through earlier works have always been promoted by the Malaysian Bar Association. It is free and easily accessible to lawyers from all walks of life.

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